Special Effects Voices 1.0 is a voice pack for MorphVOX. MorphVOX is a program that distorts your voice, and makes you sound like different characters. This is done because the program intercepts the input from your microphone, and applies the program settings before playing the resulting sound. This program is useful to adopt different personalities while you´re playing online games, or talking through your preferred Instant Messenger. This pack features six new voices to be used with the program: Alien, Cavern, Ghost, Radio Distortion, Telephone and Underwater. You will need to have MorphVOX installed in your system if you want to use this pack, otherwise it will have no effect. The Alien voice turns your speech backward. You say "Pam" and the outpout is "Map". If you choose the "Cavern" voice, the output will have an echo, as if you where inside a cave. The "Ghost" voice is like something you could hear in some low budget terror movies. "Radio Distortion" changes your voice as if you were talking through a radio. "Telephone" makes you sound as if talking through a telephone, and "Underwater" tweaks the sound of your voice, like if you were talking underwater.